Valentines’ Day is almost upon us! But don’t panic, Fig and Bloom have got your back. V-day can be a bit of a minefield, and finding the perfect gift without being cliché or too cheesy can be nightmarish. So with that in mind, we’ve put together a trusty guide to help you navigate the perfect gift for your partner this year.
Finding the perfect flower
First and foremost, we believe the best flower is the one that brings the receiver the most joy. From dandelions to orchids, the best gift you can give your partner is the one they love the most, no matter the occasion.
But, flowers have meanings, and some are definitely more romantic than others. So take a look at our quick list below, to make sure you aren’t accidentally telling your significant other that you don’t trust them, or that you regret being with them… Yikes.
Valentine’s do: Roses?
We know we just said we were going to help you stay away from clichés this year, but roses are an absolute classic. Maybe they aren’t the most original choice, but red roses are the tried and true symbol of romance and love. Giving red roses has been a long standing tradition, so if you want to go with a gift that can always be relied on, check out our gorgeous Verona or Amour bouquets.
If you want to veer away from red roses, we think pink roses make a great alternative! They still have that signature beauty and fragrance, but make a subtle change from the old cliché. They also symbolise grace and elegance, so including them in your gift will add a touch of sophistication to the day. If we have you sold, you can find pink roses in our Osaka and Pink Rose Bouquet. Or maybe get the best of both worlds, with both red and pink roses in the Paris.
Valentine’s do: Flowers to show your love
If Roses don’t take your fancy, there’s a whole host of flowers which make a great romantic gift. Our new design, Kalgoorlie, is a complete 180 from the pink and red roses previously mentioned. The Kalgoorlie is made with beautiful Australian natives in earthy tones and design into our Wave Vase in Sage.

Valentine’s don’t: Flowers to avoid
Like we said before, if the following flowers are your other half’s particular favourites, then they’d make a great Valentine’s Day present. But if you’re into giving flowers that symbolise how you feel, you might want to give these a miss…
Daffodils are a popular addition to bouquets, but they represent vanity and self-absorption, so aren’t necessarily the most romantic bloom to gift on V-day.
Yellow Carnations usually signify disgust and rejection, which might give your significant other the wrong impression.
Similarly, yellow Chrysanthemums mean sorrow and regret.
While Lavender might look and smell great, it’s associated with distrust – which is not a message you want to receive on Valentines’ Day!

Valentine’s don’t: Buying last minute
Don’t leave off buying your bouquet until the last minute! You don’t want to be left in the lurch with the last half-wilted bunch in the shop. Get ahead and check out our Valentine’s Day products page for your loved ones this year.
Valentine’s do: The perfect pairing
Why not pair your carefully selected flowers with a tasty treat? Koko Black Chocolatiers Choice Praline Box is the most delicious way to show them you care. Available now!
Why stop there? Spoil your Valentine with the bright, intense berry and pink grapefruit aromas of Château La Gordonne rosé. This wine’s harmony and perfect balance prolongs the pleasure of tasting in a long, sweet finale.

A victorious Valentine’s
Hopefully we’ve set you up for a foolproof gift this Valentine’s! Whether you find your partner’s favourite flower or pick something packed with meaning, it’s time to get shopping, ready for the big day.